Adventurer, Outdoors Guide, Coach, Writer and Speaker

Gabrielle Young

If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years, both personally and professionally, it’s this – sometimes the best way to get clear perspective on a situation is to distance yourself from it. Instead of taking a step closer to examine something in more detail, take a step away and view it from a different angle.

I did exactly that and can tell you, it’s the best thing I’ve done for myself, my work and the clients I help.

At the age of 49 I walked away from my corporate job – literally walked away.

And I kept on walking – for 400 kms on a solo trek through the passes and mountain valleys of the South Island of New Zealand.

I had spent the previous three years as the only female leader in a male-dominated construction business that was on a significant growth trajectory. I was tired, gritting my teeth and desperate to discover who I’d been and who I could become. That month-long solo walk helped me to clarify my values that would guide me from here and what I wanted to do to align to those values in all areas of my life.

The self I discovered on that walk was open-hearted, connected to herself and nature, and didn’t need or want to be a warrior woman anymore. She was in the present moment and without fear.

I found that there were new ways to use my professional skills. I could do work that was more inspiring, that helped others to feel good about themselves and to discover for themselves the healing power of connecting to nature and following their dreams.

And so, this new business was born.

How can I help you? I’m not suggesting a 400 km trek (but if you do want to try a shorter guided walk on Waiheke Island, NZ then please get in touch with me). What I’d love to do is talk to you about any areas of your life where you’re feeling stuck or unfulfilled. Together we can find out what the path of discovery looks like for you. Let’s start your adventure now.